Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed officials to establish direct connectivity between the upcoming Noida International Airport in Jewar and Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport. The airport, situated in the Gautam Buddh Nagar district near Delhi, is set to have seamless links through metro, high-speed rapid rail, and road networks, according to an official statement.
In a recent review meeting with officials from the National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC), Northern Railway, North Central Railway, and state government representatives, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath acknowledged the transformative developments in the Jewar area. He attributed the positive shift to the construction of the international airport and the proposed film city.
Just a few years ago, the region faced challenges with high crime levels, including incidents of snatching and robbery in broad daylight. Yogi Adityanath noted the current shift in narrative, with the area gaining recognition, primarily due to the upcoming international airport. He mentioned the proposed film city near the Jewar airport, envisioning the region as the most developed area in the National Capital Region (NCR) in the coming years. Adityanath emphasized Jewar airport’s potential to become a major hub for air cargo.
Anticipating significant passenger growth, the Chief Minister estimated 65 lakh passengers in 2024-25, with the number rising to seven crore annually by 2042-43. He advocated for the use of rapid rail and metro options to enhance transportation efficiency for this increasing connectivity.
Adityanath emphasized the imperative need to connect Jewar airport with Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. He suggested that a proposal be prepared after obtaining necessary cooperation and advice from the Government of India and NCRTC, with the state government committing to provide all necessary resources.
During the meeting, Yogi Adityanath proposed a trial landing on the runway in February to assess and expedite processes related to runway construction, lighting, and other essential elements. Despite the looming deadline for completing the first phase of Jewar International Airport by November 24, 2024, reports indicate that work on the security perimeter, runway, hotels’ hub, and transit system is progressing rapidly. Furthermore, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) recently granted the airport its unique three-letter international identification code — DXN.