Friday, February 14, 2025

AMC to prevent sale deed registration of illegal property

On Thursday, Municipal Commissioner M Thennarasan shot off a circular to officials of all municipal zones - including estate officers -prescribing a standard operating procedure (SOP) of action to be taken against illegal structures in the city.

If your constructed property or illegal extension figures in the civic body’s demolition list, it may get difficult for you to register the sale deed of the property.

On Thursday, Municipal Commissioner M Thennarasan shot off a circular to officials of all municipal zones – including estate officers -prescribing a standard operating procedure (SOP) of action to be taken against illegal structures in the city.

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) officials have been directed to inform the concerned sub-registrar to avoid registering the sale deed of any illegal property.

“Priority has been set in four phases for removal of unauthorized constructions across the city. Unauthorized commercial complexes will be demolished, and parking spaces and structures built on common plots or any unauthorized construction in non-residential areas will be removed,” the circular stated.

The TDOs have been ordered to begin issuing notices and approach the local police for bandobast to help carry out the demolitions within the set time limit.

“In case an unauthorized construction is sealed, and the seal is broken, a police complaint should be lodged by the engineering department and the process of disconnecting sewer, water, and electricity connections should be carried out without any delay,” the circular further states.

While detailing the process, Thennarasan insisted that a public notice of the concerned unauthorized construction be advertised to ensure that people do not buy it.

The AMC officials will have to separately inform the sub-registrar’s office so that it does not register the illegal property, Thennarasan says in the circular.

Apart from the survey work being carried out in the city, Thennarasan has also stated in the circular that a fortnightly meeting be held where pictures of illegal constructions and the status of police bandobast are shared.

Minor violations concerning balconies, building margins or any construction for improvement in bungalows, tenements or flats will be fourth on priority, the circular has stated.

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